10 ways Earth is interconnected

Sun, 21 Apr 2024 23:55:00 GMT
ESA Top News

On this Earth Day, we reflect on the importance of protecting our planet for future generations...

Understanding the Earth system and the complex interactions that shape our planet is paramount for addressing environmental challenges, mitigating climate change, preparing for natural disasters, managing resources sustainably and conserving biodiversity.

As more ice melts, more solar energy is absorbed, leading to even more warming and ice loss-a self-reinforcing cycle that amplifies the effects of climate change.

The release of these gases creates a feedback loop that exacerbates climate change: as more methane is released, global temperatures rise further, leading to more permafrost thaw and additional methane release-a self-reinforcing cycle that amplifies the impacts of climate change.

ESA's Climate Change Initiative recently released a new salinity dataset, which integrates measurements from ESA's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission into one globally consistent record.

Their roles in regulating the energy balance, influencing regional climate patterns, and driving feedback mechanisms underscore their importance in climate science.

Through photosynthesis, forests absorb significant amounts of carbon dioxide, mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Climate change exacerbates these challenges, leading to more frequent and severe droughts, heatwaves and even wildfires in tropical rainforests.

As the climate warms, many forests are becoming drier and more prone to ignition, leading to more frequent and severe wildfires.

Most forests are also responding to climate change by growing more quickly in the warmer climate, with their growth also boosted by higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

In addition to understanding our Earth better, ESA satellites will also help address the urgent challenges of climate change and help develop and provide innovative solutions and contribute to informed decision-making for a sustainable future.

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