Denial of Evolution Is a Form of White Supremacy

Mon, 05 Jul 2021 07:00:00 GMT
Scientific American - Science

As museums reopen let’s introduce ourselves, and our children, to the original Black ancestors of...

I want to unmask the lie that evolution denial is about religion and recognize that at its core, it is a form of white supremacy that perpetuates segregation and violence against Black bodies.

The first wave of legal fights against evolution was supported by the Klan in the 1920s.

In his piece, What We Get Wrong About the Evolution Debate, Adam Shapiro argues that "The history of American controversies over evolution has long been entangled with the history of American educational racism."

The fantasy of a continuous line of white descendants segregates white heritage from Black bodies.

From 2007 to 2019, the percentage of teachers who present evolution without a creationist alternative grew dramatically, from only 51 percent to 67 percent.

It's common knowledge that some school boards, especially in the South, have fought long and hard to keep evolution out of school textbooks.

Fear of economic punishment within the publishing industry creates a self-perpetuating lack of teaching materials about evolution.

I found only one book on evolution for preschoolers, called Grandmother Fish.

Even in the current literature about human origins that we do have, the end point of evolution is often depicted as a white man carrying a spear.

Because evolution is foundational knowledge, we need the story to be told in many different ways, by many different voices.

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