China's Moon Samples Could Revise Lunar Chronology

Thu, 08 Jul 2021 03:45:00 GMT
Scientific American - Science

Scientists around the world are eager to analyze young lunar rocks

This summer Chinese scientists begin analyzing the first new samples brought back from the moon in 45 years-specimens that could reset the clock on not just lunar chronology but also planetary bodies' evolution across the solar system.

China's Chang'e 5 mission, whose return capsule reached Earth last December, collected about 1.7 kilograms of rock and soil from Oceanus Procellarum in the northwestern corner of the moon's near side.

Lacking samples from this region, scientists had estimated its surface age by counting impact craters: older surfaces, they reasoned, would bear more such scars than younger ones would.

Samples that U.S. and Soviet missions collected from the moon's equatorial, northeastern and northern regions between 1969 and 1976 indicate those surfaces are three billion to four billion years old.

"The Apollo samples were like ground truth for the crater-counting models," says Julie Stopar, a geomorphologist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston.

The earlier samples cover only those older regions: "Anything that happened between roughly three to one billion years ago, we didn't have samples of."

If the new specimens prove younger than the crater-counting models suggest, "That means our whole chronology of the moon needs correcting. That's pretty fundamental," says Brown University planetary scientist Jim Head. Other measurements, such as radioactivity, could help explain lunar volcanoes' extended activity.

A six-month time frame for Chinese investigators to submit requests for samples will end in July or August-and China's policy is to open future allocations to international research teams, Head says.

The decade-old Wolf Amendment effectively bans NASA-backed entities from working with China.

Head, for one, would like to see the U.S. and China conduct an Apollo-Chang'e 5 sample swap.

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