ISS Daily Summary Report – 10/21/2021

Thu, 21 Oct 2021 09:00:29 GMT
ISS On-Orbit Status Report

Vehicle Traffic: 78P Undocking:  Last night, the Russian cargo vehicle, 78 Progress (78P), undocked...

Actiwatch Plus setup: The crew connected their Actiwatch Plus devices to a USB hub for charging and configuration setup, and then returned them after the activities were completed.

The protein crystal and impurity interactions are managed and monitored jointly by both scientists on the ground and the ISS crew.

JAXA Water Recovery System: The crew removed the old gas tube and installed a new gastrap module into the JWRS system.

Plasma Kristall-4: The crew located and gathered the data disks which will be used for the investigation and reviewed the experiment campaign familiarization material.

Ring Sheared Drop: The crew removed the sample test cell from the RSD experiment hardware.

Toilet: The crew took detailed photos of the Toilet system and associated consumables and filled out a questionnaire.

The crew will continue to work on Road to EVA activities over the coming weeks.

KU Comm Unit 2 Pin Repair: Recently, the crew installed a new router and connected the JSL cables as part of the JSL v14 upgrades.

As part of troubleshooting steps, the crew inspected the cabling and noticed that Pin 5 & Pin 6 on JSL Data Cable Connector P5B were damaged.

Today, the crew re-engaged pin 5 by removing the connector backshell and pushing it from the back of the P5B connector.

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