ISS Daily Summary Report – 6/23/2022

Thu, 23 Jun 2022 09:00:11 GMT
ISS On-Orbit Status Report

Payloads: BioLab: The Biological Experiment Laboratory in Columbus (Biolab) centrifuge rotor A and B...

BioLab: The Biological Experiment Laboratory in Columbus centrifuge rotor A and B belts were replaced, and reference Experiment Containers were installed into the Biolab facility.

The multiuser research facility is used to perform space biology experiments on microorganisms, cells, tissue cultures, small plants, and small invertebrates.

EXpedite the PRocessing of Experiments for Space Station Rack 3: A crewmember assisted in the ExPRESS Rack 3 Common Laptop Software 14 load. The ExPRESS Racks can supports science experiments in any discipline by providing structural interfaces, power, data, cooling, water, and other items needed to operate science experiments in space.

Waste and Hygeine Compartment Urine Receptacle and Insert Filter Remove and Replace: The crew completed routine maintenance to replace the urine receptacle and filter.

As part of the R&R, the crew cleaned the WHC power supply, reactivated WHC, and performed a functionality test to verify the WHC was operational following the maintenance.

SpaceX Crew Dragon Emergency Response Training: Today, the Freedom crew reviewed the emergency Deorbit Entry and Landing Contingencies Refresher as well as the free-flight depress and fire response for the SpaceX Crew Dragon Vehicle.

The onboard reviews will make sure the crew's training is fresh in the event there is an emergency on the space station.

Station Reorganization: Today, to decongest some of the clutter built up over the years, the crew organized stowage and crew preference items across station.

The reorganization should aid the crew as they move though the station and work on science and maintenance.

In the recording, the crew gave tips for the life onboard, setting up Public Affair Events, exercising, IT onboard, and any other topics at the crew's discretion.