Top Ten Emerging Tech of 2021

Tue, 14 Dec 2021 10:00:00 GMT
Scientific American - Technology

The World Economic Forum and Scientific American team up to highlight technological advances that...

Robin Pomeroy: Welcome to a special episode of Radio Davos brought to you jointly by the World Economic Forum and Scientific American to look at the most promising technologies that could change the world for the better in the coming few years.

It's really almost the first time we've said, look, there's this global topic that isn't just one technology, but is a host of technologies that need to come together to solve a really a global crisis.

The technology you talk about is simply decarbonization.

Pomeroy: Do you think there are certain technologies, which are very exciting, I mean, everyone knows about electric cars, but as you say, it's the where does that power come from? There's the storage of energy.

Although we didn't touch on it, those will include, you know, in addition to energy and transportation technologies, things like reducing meat consumption and global global governance approaches that will help us tune the energy needs across the planet.

One way researchers are working on that again is looking looking at markers as predictors of different chronic diseases and using through a combination of technology on genetic sequencing information and targeted therapies, approaching ways to try to slow that aging process.

In the past, there were never technologies that were sufficiently low power that you could literally say, I'm going to have an antenna that will just look at random electrical signals in the air and say, I can get enough power off that to operate steady state without any other power source.

Sometimes people look to technology as being the flip side.

I'm part of a sit on the U.S. board of a thing called the STS Forum, science, technology and society.

If you want to hear more of the pioneering technologies featured in these annual reports over the last decade, please check out the World Economic Forum's YouTube channel, where my colleague Gretta Keenan has created a whole series of video interviews.

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